Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Out of Control

"It's dark at the foot of the Lighthouse."
~ German Proverb

One truth that I have learned about myself is that I am a thinker, an observer. Sometimes I will be having a huge, analytical discussion within my mind and then say something, which makes perfect sense to me, but to my wife it seems that I am in need of a straight jacket.

The one draw back is indeed the tendency to withdraw and watch - people, places, things, interactions.
When it comes to God and people who claim to have an encounter with Him, I watch and listen, trying to reconcile what is taking place with actual theological and Biblical truth.
At times, it does not help when you are trying to understand another person's spiritual reality; yet, if it is a Biblical experience, the truth will prevail.

I have noticed over time that the wealth are turned off by dramatic, ecstatic displays of emotion when it comes to spirituality.
This is also true of the educated and the socially conscious.
For one, what might be normal seems insane to another.
Yet, the point of the "spiritual" is a connection between a tangible human and an invisible Holy Spirit.
To some, it terrifies; to others, it captivates; and to still others it embarrasses them.

I have seen television preachers "slay in the Spirit" hundreds; yet, I cannot help but think as to why Jesus didn't perform such deeds.
Presumably, He had all the spiritual power and gifts that any man could have; yet, He settled on compassion, grace, truth and love as His greatest demonstrations - along with His miracles, of course.

On the other end of the spectrum, I once read that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was praying in the pulpit one Sunday and he was overcome with emotion.
So much so, he swooned to a degree but was unable to speak any words.
Afterward, he did not revel in what had happened; instead, he was embarrassed.

When I was sick, I did not find spiritual truth in fantastic displays but in the quiet moments within God's Word; or, within the compassion extended to me by others.
When God speaks, He does not need to shout to announce His presence or His truth.
He simply needs to reveal Himself in a way that is meaningful to His child.

One area people think God is revealing Himself is in modern Charismatic music; a few phrases are sung, repeated again and again.
This is a Church service, not a concert.
At best, the music is mediocre; in no universe can the lyrics compare to Amazing Grace, the theology of Charles Wesley's writings nor the music written from the hand of Beethoven. 
Yet, millions are mesmerized by something that is clearly lacking; quite possibly, they have never been exposed to the real revelation of God's nature in music.
But I digress.

I have also observed people lay hands on other Christians, praying "for the Holy Spirit to fill them" and be evidenced by either being "slain in the Spirit" or through the modern "speaking in tongues". 
I find this intensely discomforting.

Nowhere in the New Testament is an individual "prayed through" to any spiritual gift, such as the gift of tongues; certainly, there is such a gift, but this is not how the early church were blessed with it.
As for being 'slain in the Spirit,' quite frankly, there is no Biblical record of such an act being performed or taking place beyond the conjecture of a bad and stretched interpretation.

There are various movements and churches who promote these things; I cannot analyze nor explain their positions on such matters nor would I attempt to.
Again, as I said before, my "observer's syndrome" does not help when I'm trying to understand another person's Christian Spiritual Reality.

Yet, among some of these sects, I have witnessed an act called "holy regurgitation" where people literally engage in the practice of vomiting "demons and bad spirits" out of themselves.
I have seen uncontrolled laughter, respectable people crawl around on the floor and make animal sounds and act like chickens - all they insist is under the power of the Holy Spirit.

While these are public spectacles, it is interesting to me that the one public display of the Holy Spirit I have been able to count on has been tears.
Tears speak volumes.

The New Testament speaks consistently of the Holy Spirit; therefore, every Christian should want more than fire insurance with the Spirit's indwelling.
The only way we learn more of the Holy Spirit's work in us and in the world is to turn more and more to Jesus.
It is then that the invisible Holy Spirit will begin to take on a face; it is the face of our Lord.

Jesus Christ is an actual, vivid, real picture of what a human being connected to God through
the Holy Spirit ought to look like.

When people are released from a cult and they are deprogrammed, after being liberated they will soon denounce the propaganda they were fed.
Christians must be careful not to engage in the same type of propaganda, especially when it comes to the work of the Holy Spirit.
You see, Jesus never brainwashed anybody; He always left form for a personal choice with rejection being an option.

In today's world, due to the charismatic or Vineyard movement, among many Christians there is fear and discomfort when mentioning the Holy Spirit.
I wonder what the apostles would think; modern Christians are afraid of God's Comforter. 

Interestingly enough, modern Christians don't want to lose control; we want ourselves and God, alone, one-on-one.
The funny thing is that it was never intended to be that way; we are Christians, which means we are to live out our faith among a community of like-minded believers.

Already within us, the Holy Spirit has provided many needed insights.
He reveals things to us, He warns; He also gives us a self-awareness.
Until we take the time to commit to long periods of silence and listening, we will miss that internal voice of God dwelling within us called the Holy Spirit.
God might speak all through our lives, but until our ears are opened by the Spirit, we will not hear Him.

After we are converted and begin the Christian life, we do relatively the same things as we did before. 
The only difference is that every act now has a reference to God.
We need not clean ourselves up before we come to God; instead, the Holy Spirit indwells and forms us to become like Him from inside out.

And that is how we gain ultimate control over our lives - by giving it to Him.

Until next time, win one for the good guys.

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